Financial Terms

Agreement to the Company’s Terms and Conditions

  1. The Customer notes and agrees that the Company’s Terms and Conditions for the Supply of Goods(“the Terms”) which the Customer has received or are attached will apply to all sales to the Customer, and that the Customer will abide by the Terms in relation to each transaction. The Customer accepts and agrees that the Company may vary those Terms from time to time and that the Terms as varied on each occasion will apply to those transactions taking place after the Company has notified it of the variation.
  1. The Customer notes and agrees that if the Company accepts this application, the terms will thereby be varied so as to allow the Customer payment terms of 12 Months from the date of invoice. The Customer hereby confirms that if credit facilities are approved it will pay the account as per those payment terms and it agrees that if it does not pay the account as per those payment terms, the Company may forthwith, without notice, withdraw the credit facility and that all sums then outstanding will become due forthwith.
  2. In processing this application for credit facilities the Company will make enquiries of credit reference agencies and other third parties who may record those enquiries. The Company may also disclose information about the conduct of the Customer’s account to credit reference agencies and other third parties. The information obtained from or provided to credit reference agencies or other third parties may be used when assessing further applications for credit terms, for debt collection, for tracing and for fraud prevention.
  3. The Customer hereby consents to a credit search being made on the Customer and the signatory below hereby consents to a credit search being made on him/her as owner/partner or director of the Customer, both now and at any future date. All of his/her personal information that the Company uses for that purpose will be collected, processed, and held in accordance with the provisions of Data Protection Legislation and his/her rights under the Data Protection Legislation.
  4. For complete details of the Company’s collection, processing, storage, and retention of personal data including, but not limited to, the purpose(s) for which personal data is used, the legal basis or bases for using it, details of his/her rights and how to exercise them, and personal data sharing (where applicable), please refer to the Company’s Privacy Notice available on request at hello@acropad.co