Italia Conti
MEET TIA-LIANNE: I started gymnastics when I was very little and instantly fell in love with it. I always wanted to progress & move up the levels. But I had quite a hard time doing that at my first gym as I was constantly told I wasn’t good enough. So I moved to a new one when I was 11! I was very happy here & progresses quickly which lead me to compete internationally in Italy & win the Team Gym British Championships. When deciding what I wanted to do in college I started falling in love with dance even more, which my mum was very pleased with as she was a dancer & runs a dance school. Eventually at 17 I auditioned for Italia Conti, but I was not expecting to get in. But I did! I am now very happy in my second year & love learning how I can combine my gymnastics training with my dancing. I have struggled a lot with an injury to both my feet for the past 2 years which causes me a lot of pain & se backs as no one seems to be able to help me or diagnose it, this also knocked my confidence a lot. However, I have been determined not to let it stop me. I look forward to see what the future holds & where I can go with a career in dance & acro!
WHAT'S IN YOUR DANCE BAG: Definitely some deep heat & some deep freeze for when I’m very sore! A golf ball so I can fill out my feet & muscles, deodorant, some gum /snacks & my favourite water bottle!
FAVE ACRO MOVE: I have so many to chose from but I would definitely have to say an aerial as I was so proud when I learnt it.
WHO IS YOUR HERO: My mum is definitely my hero. She has been such an inspiration to me with her past career as a performer & I love watching her run her own dance school & seeing how the teaching side of things work. She has taught me so much about the industry & how to navigate my way round life!
ON MY REST DAY: Its not often I get a day to rest as I don’t like sitting still! But when I do I love spending times with my friends/family doing lots of fun things. And most importantly I love to have a bath!

MOVE IT 2023